Catholics In Coalition for Justice and Peace

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Video: How will Climate Change affect your family's health?

Posted 31 08 2024

Updated on 03 09 2024

Presentation from Dr Kim Loo on the effects of Climate Change on Health

NAIDOC Week 2024

Posted 07 07 2024

Updated on 10 07 2024

The Albanese Government is pleased to announce the opening of $1.7 million in grants to support local communities and organisations to celebrate 2024 NAIDOC Week and the rich and diverse cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Held across the country from 7-14 July 2024, NAIDOC Week will celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This year’s theme chosen by the National NAIDOC Committee, is Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud. View the Poster here. The theme honours the enduring strength and vitality of First Nations culture – with fire a symbol of connection to Country, to each other, and to the rich tapestry of traditions that define Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. These grants and the application process are managed by the National Indigenous Australians Agency with two tiers available in 2024: small scale grants for up to $10,000 and large scale grants for between $10,001 and $50,000. NAIDOC Week, which first began in 1975, provides an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. For more information and to apply for a NAIDOC Local Grant, visit ...more

Climate Change: How will it affect your family's health?

Posted 14 06 2024

Updated on 14 06 2024

Our next seminar will be via Zoom on Thursday 1st August from 4pm – 6pm.


Our speaker will be  DR KIM LOO,  NSW Chair of Doctors for the Environment. Dr Kim is also a GP working in the Western Suburbs of Sydney, where climate change is particularly badly felt.

Do join us if you can, and tell family and friends also.

Please view the Seminar Flyer here.

Code Blue Our Ocean in Crisis - Watch the Seminar

Posted 06 05 2024

Updated on 07 05 2024

Please view a recording of our latest seminar:


Posted 20 02 2024

Updated on 20 03 2024

In Australia, our love of the ocean is truly profound - we surf it, camp by it, marvel at its incredible beauty from its many pristine sandy shores and we are proud of the unique and wondrous sea life that inhabits it. But all this is at grave risk.

Sr Wendy Flannery will talk in depth about the crisis our oceans are facing.

Zoom link:

Passcode: 42658

View the Seminar Flyer

Access to ethical advice is crucial

Posted 20 02 2024

Updated on 20 03 2024

Whether we are conscious of it or not, ethical decisions are being made on behalf of Australians every day by policymakers, regulators and even emerging technologies.

At a time when trust in our institutions is in decline, it's more important than ever that we demand investment in our ethical future.

This week, Executive Director of The Ethics Centre, Dr Simon Longstaff AO, Major General Paul Symon AO, and host of the Technology and Security podcast Dr Miah Hammond Errey say that access to ethical advice is vital if we want a future paved with better decisions.

Read more

11,500 children have been killed in Gaza. Horror of this scale has no explanation

Posted 15 02 2024

Updated on 15 02 2024

This article fills me with horror about what the Israel bombing is doing to the people of Gaza especially children. I have sent messages to the Prime Minister and Senator Penny Wong  to protest  our complicity in joining other nations  
to stop funding aid to the UN  to help the people in Gaza.

Read the article

Matthew Knott's article in the SMH this morning shows the PM is hearing our protests about the killing of Palestinians in Gaza.

More pressure by simple emails to him is needed. Maybe also ask him to stop sending weapons to Israel.


A Statement From Indigenous Australians Who Supported The Voice Referendum

Posted 16 10 2023

Updated on 16 10 2023

A Week of Silence for the Voice Recognition in the constitution of the descendants of the original and continuing owners of Australia would have been a great advance for Australians. Alas, the majority have rejected it. This is a bitter irony. That people who have only been on this continent for 235 years would refuse to recognise those whose home this land has been for 60,000 and more years is beyond reason. It was never in the gift of these newcomers to refuse recognition to the true owners of Australia. The referendum was a chance for newcomers to show a long-refused grace and gratitude and to acknowledge that the brutal dispossession of our people underwrote their every advantage in this country. For more than six years, we have explained to our nation why the Voice was our great hope to achieve real change for our families and communities. To the Australians who supported us in this vote – we thank you sincerely. You comprise many millions of Australians of love and goodwill. We know you wanted a better future for Australia, and to put the colonial past behind us by choosing belated recognition and justice. We thank the Prime Minister and his government for having ...more

Professor Martin Green honoured for Environmental Work

Posted 20 09 2023

Updated on 20 09 2023

Members may remember Professor Martin Green, who was our guest speaker at our Sunday Seminar on 18th  August 2019. Professor Green spoke about developments in photovoltaics (solar energy) in which he has played an enormous role both here and overseas. The Sydney Morning Herald of 19th August 23, in the Good Weekend, has a most wonderful article about Green, who has been honoured by Finland and in Mumbai for his work, and who next month will go to London, where King Charles will award him with the Queen Elizabeth Prize for engineering for his work on solar energy. He has not had the recognition he deserves in Australia. You may wish to look up the Good Weekend article and read for yourselves about this remarkable man.

Paul Kelly - If Not Now

Posted 19 09 2023

Updated on 20 09 2023

Singer and song writer Paul Kelly has released a song in support of the YES Campaign for the Indigenious Voice to Parliament.

Listen to it here:

Ministerial Reply from The Hon Linda Burney MP on the Voice

Posted 16 08 2023

Updated on 16 08 2023

The official reponse from the Honourable Linda Burney on Margaret Hinchey's letter regarding the Voice.

Please see these two attachments:


Dr Anne Twomey speaks on the Referendum and the Voice

Posted 10 07 2023

Updated on 12 07 2023

CCJP hosted Dr Twomey on Thursday 29 June on this important topic. Her talk and Powerpoint slides are here for you. Share them with your family and friends to help get a successful Referendum.

CCJP Seminar with Dr Anne Twomey AO

Posted 31 05 2023

Updated on 01 06 2023

We have been extremely fortunate to have our invitation accepted by Dr Anne Twomey AO to speak. Please spread the word to family, friends and contacts on this important topic to come along on 29th.  No cost, but we’ll have a donation bucket available towards the Uluru Dialogue Group if you wish to donate

THURSDAY 29 June 2023 at 4pm – 6pm

See the attached flyer for more information.



CCJP Seminar with Patricia Anderson AO - REMINDER

Posted 07 02 2023

Updated on 07 02 2023

For the first time in three years, our next seminar will be face to face on:

Thursday 23 February from 4pm-6pm

At the Convent of Mercy, 6 Victoria Rd North Parramatta

Our guest speaker will be Pat Anderson AO. Pat is well known for her work over many years in indigenous issues. Now, in this vital year where we must vote for Constitutional change and a Voice to Parliament for indigenous peoples in matters that concern them, it is important that we have the information we need to make our decision, and Pat is just the person to tell us. We are hearing from politicians and media that they are not informed, well here is the chance to address that if only they have good will and will listen. Come along now and bring family and friends if you can, and also spread the news to your contacts.

See the attached flyer for more information.

(Phone number only attended on Wednesdays 11am-3pm)




Prof Martin Green awarded the International Millennium Technology Prize

Posted 02 12 2022

Updated on 02 12 2022

Professor Martin Green AM, who was our guest speaker in August 2019, has been awarded the International Millennium Technology Prize. The prize was awarded for his development of the Passivator Emitter and Rear Cell (PERC), a solar cell that’s proved to be so efficient, cheap and scalable, it’s already changed the worldby its mass deployment across the earth. Congratulations Professor Green!”

Learn more about the Uluru Statement and the Voice to Parliament - Watch now

Posted 09 11 2022

Updated on 10 11 2022

Click the link below for a comprehensive learning resource with the Uluru Dialogue to explain Indigenous constitutional recognition, a Voice to Parliament, a referendum and why it all matters.

A Learning Journey on the Voice to Parliament

What is Indigenous Constitutional Recognition? Learning with From The Heart- Watch now

Posted 09 11 2022

Updated on 10 11 2022

Indigenous Constitutional Recognition, in the context of the call from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples through Uluru Statement from the Heart, is amending the Australian Constitution to enshrine an Indigenous "Voice to Parliament". Recognition through a Voice goes beyond a symbolic gesture and advocates for practical change which will have a direct impact on the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across the country.

Earth-centred Governance System - Watch now

Posted 05 10 2022

Updated on 06 10 2022

CCJP had a marvellous address by Dr Michelle Maloney. There is much valuable information to unpack in the video, but the core of Michelle’s presentation and her life’s work is to advocate for systems change in order to shift industrialised societies like ours, from a human-centred to an Earth-centred governance system.

Enjoy exploring her passion and commitment to Earth’s survival.

How can Economic and Political Systems Operate to Support the Ecology of the Planet?

Posted 31 08 2022

Updated on 31 08 2022

Click on the Poster to enlarge

Dr. Michelle Maloney is a lawyer and advocate for Earth-centred law and governance. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Political Science and History) and Laws (Honours) from the Australian National University and a Ph.D. in Law from Griffith University.

She is co-founder and National Convenor of the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA), and in this role she works to promote the understanding and practical implementation of Earth-centred governance in Australia – with a focus on law, economics, ethics, education, Indigenous partnerships and the arts.

She is an engaging and passionate speaker.

"There are two relationships, one between land and one between people. The question is one of a custodial ethic, of looking after land that becomes the core of what kind of society you have…the big one is the law of obligation, we are obliged to look after the land and each other."

Adjunct Associate Professor Mary Graham via Zoom

Thursday, September 22


The zoom link is:

RSVP if you can to CCJP at



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Catholics in Coalition for Justice and Peace is a coalition of individuals and groups, working for the emergence of just social structures in Australia and overseas. We work as an integral part of the Church at the service of the world and especially of the victims of injustice.  Read more

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