Catholics In Coalition for Justice and Peace

Blog Post

Firestorm: In Conversation with Greg Mullins and Kerry O’Brien

Posted 10 Nov 2021 09:00AM

Updated on 10 Nov 2021 04:22PM

Dear Friends, as you know, COP26 is happening at present in Glasgow, and we are all holding our collective breath waiting to hear its outcome. We invited Greg Mullins, former Fire Chief and Climate Council member, to do a zoom with CCJP. It was a folorn hope as he is fully involved with COP26. However, the Climate Council has given us permission to use the interview between Greg Mullins and Kerry O’Brien, about Greg’s new book “Firestorm”. It is hard hitting but inspiring. We are putting it up on the website.

Also, after COP26 is over, the Climate Council will be running a Zoom with Prof Lesley Hughes, Dr David Bradshaw and others analysing the outcome and possible future action. No date has been set yet, but they have invited CCJP members and friends to join the zoom.

Given the late time of year, we will promote this as our last event for 2021, and hope to see you all in person in 2022

Read the full converstation with Greg Mullins and Kerry O’Brien here.