Catholics In Coalition for Justice and Peace

Blog Post


Posted 26 Jan 2021 08:00PM by Margaret Hinchey

Calling all CCJP members and friends.

Dean Parkin at From the Heart asked us to join them in a week of action. The Co-design Report for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament has just been released by the Government and we now enter a time of discussion and consultation. We can make  submissions to the Committee showing our support for a Constitutional enshrined Voice. It does not have to be long or detailed.  

CCJP has sent a submission which will soon be on our website.

Click on the From the Heart website link below and go to 'resource centre' and you will find lots of help and information.

Dean has sent this heartfelt plea to get behind this campaign to achieve lasting justice for the First Nations' People of Australia. Let's give our support to their efforts.

From the Heart is guided by the Uluru Statement from the Heart which calls for a Voice enshrined in the Australian Constitution. This Co-Design Process is a significant opportunity to press our case for an enshrined Voice – we must act now!
We are calling on all who are inspired by the Uluru Statement to make a submission in support of our key positions. Dean Parkin